

Bienvenido a Chi Institute of Europe

Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine, Inc (Instituto Chi de Medicina China), fue fundado en Reddick, Florida en 1998 . Desde entonces, Chi Institute forma a sus estudiantes como activos y competentes practicantes de la Medicina Veterinaria Tradicional China (MVTC), con una integración diaria de la práctica de la Acupuntura, Medicina China Herbal y otras disciplinas de la MVTC en sus clínicas.

Chi Institute Florida ofrece un variado programa de cursos de formación para veterinarios ( y en 2008 ante la gran demanda, desarrollo e interés por la Acupuntura Veterinaria en Europa, el Chi Institute of Europe abre sus puertas para que veterinarios mayormente de Europa tengan disponible un centro de formación en MVTC, antes que realizar los costosos traslados a USA que conllevarían los estudios en Florida.

Miles de veterinarios licenciados de todo el mundo se han graduado en Chi-Institute. Ellos son ahora activos y competentes practicantes de MVTC.




Welcome to Chi Institute of Europe

The Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine, Inc, was founded in Reddick, Florida 1998. The mission of the Chi Institute is to train our students to become competent animal health care providers, capable of practicing Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and other Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) skills. The Chi Institute the leading veterinary continuing education (C.E.) provider of TCVM. All the C.E. programs have been approved by the State of Florida and RACE.

Chi Institute Florida offers a wide training programs for vets ( . In 2008, due to the increasing demand, development and interest for Veterinary Acupuncture in Europe, The Chi Institute of Europe opens to offer a TCVM training center nearer, more accessible, rather than traveling to the USA with its corresponding expenses.

Thousands of licensed veterinarians have graduated from the Chi Institute and many of them are now active TCVM practitioners. 




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